★ 2020 하반기 부산대학교 IBS기후물리연구단 교수 초빙분야를 다음과 같이 변경하여 공고하오니 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다. - 접수기간 변경 : 2020.4.6.(월) ~ 4.29.(수) - 접수방법 변경 : 온라인 및 이메일 접수 ※ 이메일접수는 4.14.(화) 부터 접수 ======================================================================== The IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) (http://ibsclimate.org) at Pusan National University (PNU), Busan, South Korea invites applications for a full-time tenure track Assistant or Associate Professor position in “Climate Dynamics”. This faculty position is envisioned to support the ICCP’s research portfolio of interdisciplinary climate science. We seek a faculty colleague who will join PNU preferably on September 1st, 2020 to teach and mentor graduate students in the Climate Systems program and develop and maintain an internationally outstanding research program with a research focus that is not yet well represented in ICCP. ICCP will provide annual research support to the successful candidate to establish a research team. We welcome applications from individuals who enjoy building collaborations and who will actively work to attract new research fellows and students from diverse intellectual backgrounds. The IBS Center for Climate Physics is an internationally recognized leader in integrated Earth system science with exceptional supercomputing resources dedicated to cutting-edge research in the field of climate dynamics https://ibsclimate.org/research/facilities/aleph-supercomputer. ICCP’s mission is to enhance the understanding of natural climate variability and man-made climate change, and to improve the ability to predict climate impacts on the hydrological cycle, ice-sheets, sea level, and regional processes. The successful candidate will be co-affiliated with the Department of Climate System at PNU (https://climatesystem.pusan.ac.kr/climate/49741/subview.do) and is expected to teach 6 credits per semester (Must teach 3 credits in English). We are looking for an individual: - with a PhD in atmospheric sciences, oceanography or related fields - with an exceptionally strong scholarly potential - with an excellent record of innovative peer-reviewed publications in Climate Dynamics - with experience in climate modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics or advanced statistics - who establishes an innovative research program in Climate Dynamics - who is comfortable working in an international and diverse research environment - who is highly proficient in spoken and written English - who has more than 4years of research experience in the required field. To apply, please send the following files in pdf format to ppes@pusan.ac.kr: PDF 1 (title: personal information_your name.pdf) - personal information form, download from http://ppes.pusan.ac.kr PDF 2 (title: CV and Research plan_your name.pdf) - a cover letter indicating the position title (in English) - a Curriculum Vitae with Publication List (in English) - an expression of research and teaching interests (in English) - a 3-page proposal describing future research plans within ICCP (in English) PDF 3 (title: publicationform_your name.pdf) - publication form, download from http://ppes.pusan.ac.kr PDF 4 (title: certificates_your name.pdf) - graduate transcripts (Bachelor, Master and PhD) in English - evidence of past employments in English - evidence of past research awards in English PDF 5 (title: PhDthesis_yourname.pdf) - PhD thesis (in English) PDF 6 (title: paperNo_yourname.pdf) - Papers published within last three (3) years (2017.04.01 ~ 2020.04.13) (in English) PDF 7 (title Reference_yourname.pdf) - One (1) reference letter should be directly sent from a professor-level scientist to ppes@pusan.ac.kr (in English) PDF 8 (title NameofReferences_yourname.pdf) - Contact information of 2 additional references shall be provided For more information about the position and evaluation criteria please visit: https://ppes.pusan.ac.kr For any further questions please contact Ms. UJeong Seo, IBS Center for Climate Physics, Busandaehak-ro 63beon-gil 2, (Jangjeon-dong), Geumjeong-gu, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea Email: u_jeongs@pusan.ac.kr, Tel. +82-51-510-7429 Application deadline: April 29th, 2020, 18:00 pm (Korean Standard Time)